Trophy Scan Mobile App or Scanner two great options available to allow you to accurately score a Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer or Elk. Trophies are catalogued for easy digital scoring. Know the score of your harvest within minutes. Once your 3D scan is complete, you will always have your trophy. Share it with friends, use it for insurance purposes and to even create custom memories or replicas.

CUTTING EDGE APP used for scoring your harvest. SCAN. SCORE. STORE. Scoring your Harvest has never been easier. Available for Download on the iOS app store starting February of 2025.
Scan In Seconds
Accurately Score Whitetail Deer, Elk or Mule Deer in the field within minutes of Harvest with the Trophy Scan Mobile App.
Score Your Harvest
Instantly Share the Score with friends, family and fellow hunters via social media, email and even text messaging the score.
Store The Legacy
When you complete a Scan, you are atomically creating a lifetime memory of your hunt with a 3D Scan of your harvest.
Trophy Scan
Complete Scanner System